Yep, after thrashing it out and not reaching a resolution, the Ratzaz Diaries is on hiatus at this time. Due to intensive, extensive and accelerated personal renovation, I find that the things I want to express, at this time, are probably not something that most readers of this blog want to hear. And I really have no intention to just come on to intentionally offend people, at least not anymore.
A lot of you noticed a change in the contents of this blog, beginning last fall. I thank my last few years of earnest Zen practice for bringing me to a new perception of things. The things I perceive are not particulary Buddhist. So I have a real Catch 22 here. And I've learned that there really are evil entities out there, human ones, and you have to watch what you say.
Of course I do feel continue to feel the urge to express myself. At past times, in these Diaries, I was quite taken in by, well, the things we have all been taken in by (although not the demon of Grammar, apparently). I feel the urge to correct my mistakes, but it would seem simply mean to build an audience of people who think a certain way, and then tell them they are wrong, and that I was wrong. I may be developing a new blog, or perhaps even a full-blown website. Then again, I could change my mind tomorrow and post here.
I want to thank all of you who've been supportive or at least interactive for the last three and a half years on this blog. Continue to try to open your eyes. Don't believe anything anyone tells you, especially me. Find a path with heart.